Rumor Mill: Daredevil Season 2 Might Premiere The Same Day As Batman V Superman

Marvel, you’re such a scamp.

You guys remember the great Civil War/Dawn of Justice Release Date Feud of 2013? I know that in over two years it has already dissolved into pure myth, but I remember: basically what happened was that Marvel (in their always over-prepared wisdom) set the release date for Captain America: Civil War (known at that time as merely Captain America 3) long ago, claiming the much coveted first weekend of May spot they’ve been using for years now. But on the horizon another superhero film, the delayed Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, swooped in and tried to claim the space for itself, causing an all-and-out DC/Marvel cold war. There was no way the two gigantic tentpole superhero films would open the same exact day, but the question became more about who would blink first than anything else.

Predictably it was Warner Bros./DC who decided to move, pushing Batman V Supermans release date to where it is now: March 25, 2016. Ultimately it was a smart decision on the studio’s part, since that film has a hell of a lot to lose if it didn’t perform gangbusters on release, and didn’t need the looming threat of another superhero film ON THE SAME DAY to make that task any harder. Still though, apparently Marvel holds a grudge, and have decided to get back at WB/DC for even DARING to try and compete with them in the most passive aggressive, hilarious way possible: by putting the premiere of one of their big properties against the superhero movie anyway.

Yes, according to, Marvel is looking at March 25 to launch Daredevil Season 2, which is exciting in and of itself. But when you consider that DC very much wants BvS to be the center of conversation for that entire weekend (ala Star Wars), well, it’s a pretty clear indication that Marvel is having fun trolling this company. For what it’s worth I think it would be silly for Marvel to do this, and just a tad bit petty (there’s like 52 weekends in a year you could release the season, it doesn’t HAVE to be this one!), but you also kind of have to appreciate how Marvel is openly creating these little conflicts now, and doesn’t care much to hide it.

IF this report proves to be true, after all; it seems likely from where I’m standing (season 1 of the show premiered April 10 of 2015, so it’s around the same timeframe), but it could just be a false flag from someone to give us all a good laugh. Either way: mission accomplished.


Yay, The First Image From Game Of Thrones Season 6 Has Arrived, And It Features…Bran?! Aww, Damn It!

You win some, you lose some.

Man, even though it feels like the last season just ended a few months ago, it’s extremely cool that we only have about four months or so to wait until the new season of Game of Thrones premieres. Yeah sure that seems long when you break it down into days (at least 120 of them), but were certainly closer to Game of Thrones Season 6 than we were to the end of Season 5, and that’s an exciting notion indeed. And even more exciting is the beginning of the next season’s marketing campaign, which started on the part of HBO when they realized the Jon Snow-centric poster, and continued with the shows first brief (and new footage-less) teaser.

And now the marketing efforts have continued with our first image from Game of Thrones Season 6, which would be super exciting if it wasn’t for the only thing the image gives us a look at: freaking Bran Stark, all grown up and as unexciting as ever. In any case, check out the first image below, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly🙂

All cynicism aside, it is somewhat nice to see the show finally lean into the older age of actor Isaac Hempstead-Wright, and not just try to make us believe he’s still some young kid with his young kid here. And hey, not a bad haircut, Bran. I guess Hodor is one hell of a barber, or maybe Max Von Sydow’s Three Eyed Raven has a knack with scissors. Either way, like his older brother many times over, the most interesting thing about this image is Bran’s hair, and not much else. Let’s hope that our next peek at Game of Thrones Season 6 is somewhat more substantial.

The show doesn’t have an exact return date at this point, but is on track to land in April 2016. Expect more images and (hopefully) footage in the coming months.


The First Official Images Of Benedict Cumberbatch As Doctor Strange Look Exactly As You Would Expect

And that’s certainly not a bad thing

Marvel Studios is obviously focusing a lot of marketing muscle right now on Captain America: Civil War, but there’s of course another big Marvel movie waiting in the wings for release this year: Scott Derrickson’s Doctor Strange. The legendary Sorcerer Supremes big screen debut will be landing in November which, yes, means it’s a little bit too early for us to see footage from the film. But with 2016 only a few days away, Marvel has taken it upon themselves to give us a little peek at their new character, and have teamed up with frequent partner Entertainment Weekly to do just that.

And yes, I can certainly see how that last part could worry you: EW is notorious when it comes to terrible cover photos (need I remind you of MEOW?), but this one actually isn’t so bad. And the image contained within the actual article are pretty good! Thankfully EW has published all the photos to the internet, so now you can check them out for yourself below:

Yeah, consider me surprisingly impressed. I had some reservations about Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange when If first heard the casting but, I must say, he looks pretty great in costume. And of course it’s nice to see that said costume is great looking as well: Marvel has a terrific history in this department, and Doctor Strange seems to be continuing that tradition. The other bits of concept art meanwhile are equally as promising, showing off some weird looking magic and locations. I want this film to be strange (pardon the pun) in comparison to the rest of the MCU, and these first images are a promising start to achieving just that. I can only hope that when we finally get to see the film in action (likely in the next few months), I’ll be just as positive.

Doctor Strange will hit theaters November 4, 2016.


Christopher Nolan’s Mystery Movie Might Be A World War II Film

Yeah, sure, I can live with that.

By the end of the week we will be in the year 2016, which means that when we refer to the concept of next year, we really mean 2017. Yes, that’s absolutely nuts but, what can you do? Time and all that. In any case, with just four days left in 2015, I think its safe for me to say that the next film from Christopher Nolan will be arriving next year, which hopefully should mean were going to be learning more about it in the months ahead. And if this recent report is indeed correct, we may already have.

Yes, film fans everywhere are very much curious about just what Christopher Nolans mystery movie, last mentioned when Warner Bros. gave it a prime Summer 2017 release date some time ago, will be about. Will it be another big adaptation of a beloved property? A large-scale, original sci-fi film? A rip-roaring comedy remake of Some Like it Hot? Probably one of the first two — although a new report from French outlet La Voix Du Nord might indicate something completely different for the director: a World War II drama.

According to them, the mayor of Dunkirk has recently announced that an American blockbuster would be filming in the town, reportedly from a world famous director. La Voix Du Nord goes as far as outright saying that this director is Nolan, and that he would begin filming the picture in June 2016. Furthermore, they believe the WWII film will tell the story of the Operation Dynamo. If you’re curious about just what the hell Operation Dynamo is, well, you could have always just googled it, lazy. But whatever, here’s a description from Wikipedia:

The Dunkirk evacuation, code-named Operation Dynamo, also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, was the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, France, between 27 May and 4 June 1940, during World War II. The operation was decided upon when large numbers of Belgian, British, and French troops were cut off and surrounded by the German army, during the Battle of France.

Yes, it’s a great story, and an interesting direction for Nolan to go in. Could he be seriously chasing his Oscar after years of not getting a nomination? Whose to say, but as a huge fan of war movies, I would be totally game for this. The only thing that gives me pause here is the release date is July really smart time in this current day and age to release a serious war movie? Sure it worked for Saving Private Ryan, but that was in 1998, before the age of superhero movies and comic book adaptations clogging every weekend of the year. Let’s just hope that Nolan’s name is enough to bring people to the theater anyways.


Remember That Animated Spider-Man Movie? Cool, Well, Its Been Delayed

But it’s still coming…we think.

Even though Marvel pretty much abandoned all of its plans for world domination a full-fledged Spider-Man Cinematic Universe after the deal they made with Marvel, not all of their Spidey spin-offs were pushed to the side following the announcement of Marvels Spider-Man reboot. In fact, one very big one was announced, as the studio revealed they were working with (who else?) Phil Lord and Chris Miller on an animated Spider-Man movie, to be released in the summer of 2018 (approximately a year after the live action one would hit theaters.)

It was a pretty crazy announcement, and one we still don’t really have all that much information for: it’s safe to say that Lord and Miller will be producing it, and probably have a hand in writing it as well, but would they be directing the picture too? It was hard to say at the time, what with the duo’s massive slate of franchises they have a say in (21 Jump Street, Lego, The Flash, The Last Man on Earth, Star Wars, etc.) possibly creating a bit of a scheduling difficulty. And though it’s not confirmed if that’s the reason for this animated Spider-Man movies delay, it could very well be a factor.

In any case, The Tracking Board on Twitter announced that the release date for the animated spin-off has been pushed back, moving from its original July release date into Christmas 2018 (or December 21, 2018 to be exact.) Here’s the tweet:

Sonys ANIMATED SPIDER-MAN flick will now cast its web 12/21/18 instead of summer 2018.

— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) December 22, 2015

Once again, we know next to nothing about this film, and this new release date says little. Sure it could have been pushed back to allow Lord/Miller more time to work on it (especially if they are doing it in a directing capacity), or it could just be Sony seeing the massive success of Force Awakens and deciding they want some of that. Who’s to say, really. But as long as this project sticks around, it’s going to be interesting to see where it progresses for sure.


Eat Your Heart Out, HBO: David Fincher Is Making A Crime Series With Charlize Theron And Netflix

Maybe the folks at Netflix will actually let him make a TV series.

David Fincher is one of the most accomplished filmmakers around in the movie world, with almost all of his films garnering extreme acclaim and high box office returns. But to say that Fincher has been unable to find the same amount of success on the small screen is an understatement: though he did a great job kicking off the ship that was House of Cards (his visual style in the pilot became the norm for the series overall), the series that he himself put a lot of work in developing both died a pretty sad death last year. Yes, HBO canceled production on his personal project Video Synchronicity AND his American remake of British show Utopia, pretty much kicking him to the curb all in one move. But now Fincher is making his TV resurgence with the outlet he first got his start with: Netflix.

According to Deadline, David Fincher and Charlize Theron are teaming up to executive produce a new Netflix series entitled Mindhunter, based on the book Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit, written by former FBI agents John Douglas and Mark Olshaker. Take a wild guess what it could be about.

Since I can clearly see you are stumped, here’s the basis of the book as outlined by Deadline:

For years, Douglas pursued some of the most notorious serial killers and rapists, developing profiling techniques to catch them. The book goes behind the scenes of some of his highest-profile cases, including the man who hunted prostitutes in Alaska, the Atlanta child murderer, and Seattle’s Green River killer. To hone in his profiling methods Douglas interviewed and studied a skew of serial killers. Several book and TV characters have been based in part on him, including Jack Crawford in Thomas Harris’ The Silence of the Lambs, Will Graham on Hannibal and Jason Gideon on Criminal Minds.

So yeah, David Fincher is developing a serial killer procedural on Netflix. Yeah, I could get into that. The site even says that Fincher is eyeing a directorial role on the show, although its unclear if hell just handle the pilot or direct the entire thing. Personally Im hoping for the latter, but well see in time. In any case, Im going to keep a close eye on this show.


Avatar 2 Is Coming In 2017, James Cameron Is Super Cereal This Time

Maybe. Kinda. He’ll try, at least.

You likely spent at least part of your weekend (if not the whole thing) enjoying a big sci-fi space epic sequel, but don’t be discouraged: this won’t be the last time you’ll be doing that at the end of the year. In fact, you’ll be doing that for the foreseeable future, what with Star Wars: Rogue One set for release in December 2016 and Disney aiming to release a new Star Wars movie every year. But the Star Wars film in 2017 (a.k.a. Star Wars: Episode VIII) will be landing in May, foregoing the Christmastime opening. Why is Disney avoiding the date? Well, the answer goes by the name of (for now at least) Avatar 2.

The long in-development sequel to the 2009 original was initially pegged to come out in 2014than 2015then 2016and now, finally, 2017. Yes the fact we might get more Pandora adventures in two years seems a little bit crazy, and I’m sure it’s hard to take the notoriously slow James Cameron at his word. With a release date that’s ever-shifting, it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine the film being delayed once again. But nuh uh, says Mr. James Cameron. The release date is indeed scheduled right now, and production is chugging along to a point that it could happen. Said the director in an interview with The Montreal Gazette.

“Christmas of ’17 is the target…At least, that’s what we’ve announced. But I don’t consider that to be as important as the fact that when we get all three films done, we drop them a year apart. I call it a meta-narrative that runs across the three movies. Each film stands alone, but it also tells one much larger story. We have design more or less finished, which is an enormous task. It’s been about a two-year task. [We’ve finished] all the creatures and the landscapes, and the new worlds within the world of Pandora that you see. The writing is ongoing, but almost finished. Technical development is done. Stages are done. Infrastructure. So we’re really poised to start after the first of the year.”

So yeah, not exactly a hard promise, but still: he seems more determined than ever to hit the new date. But honestly, I’m really not sure it will actually be able to do it. I mean the post production time for this one seems to take a lot of time and, honestly, to make that time frame I would imagine that production would have had to already begin. Cameron’s statement seems to indicate its about there, but I’m still not sure two years is enough for perfectionist James Cameron to have the film complete to his vision. I’m not going to guarantee anything, but I personally wouldn’t bet on Avatar 2 actually making its date. But the film is coming, no doubt about that. The only question is, of course, when.


Sorry: Fargo Season 3 Wont Premiere Until 2017

That was a Minnesota-accented sorry. Didn’t know how to type the pronunciation. Sorry. (That was a regular sorry.)

So yeah, Fargo Season 2 was pretty freaking excellent, right? I haven’t had the time to catch the season finale quite yet (no spoilers, people!), but I’ve been blown away by the previous nine episodes, each one surprising me in big ways with excellent performances, wonderful acting, and stellar direction. To say I’m on board the Fargo train this year is something of an understatement: I’m a full blown fan now, and took in the news of the show’s Season 3 renewal with open arms. But so it makes sense that, just as I reach the point where I start loving this show, it has to go away for over a year, right?

Yes, creator/showrunner Noah Hawley announced in a post-season finale interview that Fargo Season 3, which will be another blank slate anthology season bringing the show back into the modern age, won’t premiere until Spring 2017 at the earliest. Hawley gave the following reason for the delay:

“The reality is you won’t see it in 2016. It’s a winter show for better or worse. There is not time to shoot another year before this winter is over. It’s also very important to me and the other producers that we separate the writing from production. We take our time and break the whole story, write eight of the 10 hours at least and we end up knowing exactly what we’re doing and exactly what the whole story is. We’re going through the writing process now. I’ve written the first hour, we’re about halfway through breaking the season. We’ll be writing over the next few months with the idea we’ll go into production, much like our first year, in November and be back on the air in spring of 2017.”

While it’s a bummer we won’t see more of the show for like 15 or so more months, in all honesty, it’s not TOO long of a wait: it’s not like the 18 or so odd months that separated Louie Season 3 and 4. In fact, it will probably work out to be around the same time that Season 1 and Season 2, give or take a few months. But I actually REALLY like this show now, so the wait on my end at least is going to be even worse. I just hope that it will be worth it. One of the high points of the second season was its period setting, and I’m personally a little afraid that going back to modern times will make it more like Season 1. Well have a while to find out, it seems.


Fuller House Trailer Breakdown: Ha Ha No, I’m Not Going To Do That

C’mon, its FREAKING Full House!

Like, do you need me to breakdown the trailer? Must I go through every single fucking step of the trailer, remarking on how the house looks or how the voiceovers sound or how saccharine the entire affair is? Hell no–just watch the stupid trailer below.

The trailer was released on Youtube through Netflix’s account because, as I’m sure they figured, this weekend is going to be a fun one for people waxing nostalgic about their youth, and Netflix just wanted to get all in on that. And considering the returns Disney’s strategy seems to be giving them, can you blame Netflix? Anywho, the trailer.

Look, taken on its own, it’s not actually a bad trailer. If I had any respect for Full House as other than that really lame sitcom I watched on Nick at Night when I was 9 and had nothing better to watch, it probably would have been a pretty effective piece of nostalgia cheese. And hey, the only character actually on screen was a dog, so thats always cool. I wonder if its going to be a convoluted offspring of the Tanners dog, Comet, who of course they got early on in the show when the dog they found on the street, Minnie, gave birth to puppies and the owners of Minnie, after finding her again, let them keep one of the offspring.

I knew that all at the top of my head. Curse you, syndication.

Anyways, the trailer ended with a release date announcement of February 26, 2015, so mark your calendar, Full House fans. If you bingers want to catch up on the rest of the series before the new show premieres, you still have 72 days to watch all 192 episodes of the original series. That’s only 2.49 episodes a day! Better get crackin.


The 8 Most Interesting Scripts On The 2015 Black List

The best of the black.

Okay, I’ll be outright about this: the 2015 Black List? Yeah, it’s kind of weak. Even compared to the last few years it doesnt look all that great, with only a few loglines really getting me excited. That said,me writing a list like this around the time the list comes out is something of a tradition around these parts, and so I feel obligated to keep it going. Unlike last year though, I’m only going to be listing eight because, honestly, I couldn’t find more than that on the Black List that truly fascinated me.

But hey, don’t take my pessimism to mean the whole Black List sucked this year: I liked the below eight, for instance, and I’m sure you’ll find some that sound intriguing on the full list, as located here. As always, I’ll preface by saying that The Black List by definition is a list of the most liked scripts in Hollywood by over 250 top executives, and not a litmus test for best scripts or, hell, even favorite scripts. Still though, I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff, so its always of interest to me. And as always, I haven’t read a single script on this list: I’m basing my entire ranking simply on the logline, and nothing more. So all that said, without further ado, let’s begin with:


8. Bubbles by Issac Adamson

A baby chimp is adopted by the pop star Michael Jackson. Narrating his own story, Bubbles the Chimp details his life within The King of Pop’s inner circle through the scandals that later rocked Jackson’s life and eventually led to Bubbles’ release.

Okay, look, this is one of those loglines that in most hands would make for an absolutely TERRIBLE movie. But in terms of sounding interesting, can you get better than a Michael Jackson biopic from the point of view of his freaking chimpanzee? It’s a bold premise, but I’m doubtful it would actually make a good movie. Then again, Bubbles topped the ENTIRE Black List with 44 votes, so maybe the script is incredible…or Mr. Adamson has a fantastic agent behind him.


7. Reagan by Mike Rosolio

When Ronald Reagan falls into dementia at the start of his second term, an ambitious intern is tasked with convincing the commander-in-chief that he is an actor playing the president in a movie.

I have absolutely no faith that this movie will ever see the light of day, at least not as a true story take on the second term of President Reagan. But once again, a ballsy premise makes for an instantly interesting logline.


6. Crater by John J. Griffin

On the moon, five teens take an unauthorized and adventure-filled road trip just before one of them is to be sent away on a seventy-five year journey to another planet, leaving behind his best.

Those youngsters came from the moon. But on a more serious note, this is like the fourth Black List script I can remember that heavily features a moon setting, and I say keep em coming. Sounds like this could make for a fun, quirky coming of age story.


5. Boomtown by Matt King

A slick corporate investigator with a closely guarded secret discovers a sinister criminal conspiracy in North Dakota oil boom country.

A simple premise, but an effective one. Sounds like it could have shades of Fargo, which is the best kinds of shade. It doesnt swing for the high concept fences like other scripts on this list, but hey, seems like it could make for the best movie.

4. Morningstar by David Burke

The war is over. A bitter and uneasy truce has been reached with an invading alien race, and a new cold war has begun. Fueled by suspicions of an alien spy in their ranks, the United Nations Intelligence Division entrusts their top agent, Martin Webber, with finding the mole.

Okay, here comes the good stuff (like I said before, it was a tough year for the Black List.) This is the kind of cool sci-fi concept I can really get behind, and I love post-alien invasion stories. The whole espionage angle is an interesting take on the subject for sure.


3. Battle of New Orleans by Dan Kunka

In one of the greatest untold stories in American history, General and future President Andrew Jackson reluctantly partners with world-renowned pirate Jean Lafitte to lead a rag-tag team of soldiers against the indomitable British Army in the climactic battle of the War of 1812.

Im a big history fan, and the Battle of New Orleans is like SUPER cool. It would be awesome to see some good old fashioned War of 1812 war action on the big screen.


2. Pandemonium, Splendidly Managed by Brett Conrad

A local Phoenix newscaster at the pinnacle of local celebrity slowly descends into the depths of madness while trying to become a game show host in Los Angeles.

Like Nightcrawler, but with Bob Barker? Consider me on board, despite a pretty terrible title.


1. The Wretched Emily Derringer by Chris Thomas Devlin

Gleefully terrifying her small town as a serial killer known as “The Misfit Butcher,” 13-year-old Emily Derringer becomes annoyed when a new killer comes to town and residents begin attributing his sloppy murders to the Misfit Butcher. In a macabre coming of age story, Emily must deal with her competition while also taking on the other trials and tribulations of junior high school life.

This is another script that I don’t think can get made (not unless it’s an indie release that costs peanuts, of course), but I’ll be damned if I dont want to get a copy of this script ASAP. A dark coming of age story about a FREAKING SERIAL KILLER? That’s one hell of a concept there, marketability aside.

And that’s that, the eight loglines I found to be the most interesting on this year’s Black List. Now we must wait for the ultimate test: to see if any of these films actually get produced. If the last few years have been any indication, well, they were cool loglines at least.
